Frozen Evolution book

Most biologists and biology students think that evolutionary biology is basically a closed chapter of science. But what if this is not the way things are? What if evolutionary biology underwent a quite fundamental revolution in the 70's and 80's of the past century, following which all the textbooks in this field should basically be rewritten?  >> Read more

Frozen plasticity theory

This theory suggests a mechanism of the origin of adaptive traits in sexual organisms. The classical Darwinian mechanism of the origin of adaptive traits by natural selection can explain the evolution of such traits only under a very special situation, e.g., in a genetically homogeneous population of asexual organisms. The frozen plasticity theory is much more general: It can also explain the origin and evolution of adaptive traits in a genetically heterogeneous population of sexual organisms. >> Read more

Watch out for Toxo! The Secret Guide to Practical Science.

XVI. How we unintentionally discovered the function of the Rh factor and probably solved the 50 year-old mystery of Rh polymorphism

Good luck has always played an immensely important role in our studies. I don’t think that it’s true for only our studies – the general significance of luck in science is constantly underestimated. A well-planned study can bring valuable results, but the most crucial results, something entirely novel, are usually stumbled upon when least expected. This is what happened in the case of one of our discoveries – possibly the most important to date – which revealed the influence of the Rh factor on latent toxoplasmosis in humans. >> Read more

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