C.V. Prof. RNDr. Flegr Jaroslav, CSc.
Born 12.3. 1958, Praha, Czech Republic, married, two children.
Address: Praha 8, Kobyliská 397, Dolní Chabry, 182 00, Česká Republika, tel. (420) 221951821
- 2007 - Full professor in ecology
- 1999 - Associate professor in parasitology
- 1985‑1988 - Faculty of Philosophy Charles University, postgradual study "Mathematical methods in experimental research
- 1984‑1987 - Faculty of Science Charles University, Praha. postgradual study of Physiology, title: CSc. (PhD)
- 1977‑1982 - Faculty of Science Charles University, Praha. Study of Cytology, titles: Prom. biol., RNDr
Research experience:
- 2008 - full professor, Department of philosophy and history of science, Charles University, Praha: research on evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology.
- 1991‑ 2007 - assistant professor, from 2000 associated professor, full professor, Department of Parasitology , Charles University, Praha: research on parasite-host relationships, coevolution, molecular taxonomy and phylogenetics of protozoa.
- 1990‑1991 - Research student, Dep. Immunol, Fac. Med., Tokyo Univ. Research of MHC antigens.
- 1987‑1991 - research worker, Institute of Molecular Genetics, Czechoslovak Academy of Science. Molecular immunology.
- 1984‑1987 - Postgraduate study, Faculty of Science Charles University, Praha, Study of genome of dsRNA virus of parasite Trichomonas vaginalis.
- 1982‑1983 - research worker, Institute of Microbiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Science. Study of selection in continuous cultivation systems.
Research grants: About 22 research grants, mostly as principal investigator.
Publications: Monograph Evoluční biologie (Evolutionary biology), Academia, Praha 2005, textbook: Mechanismy mikroevoluce (Mechanisms in evolution), Karolinum 1994 a 1995, 1998, Zamrzla evoluce (Frozen evolution), Academia, Praha 2006, Introduction to evolutionary biology, Academia, Praha, 2007, chapter in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)Al Gobaisi D. a Badran A. (eds), UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford,UK., a chapter in book Food consumption and disease risk - consumer pathogen interactions, Ed. M Potter, 251-270, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Abington Hall, Abington, Cambridge, Frozen Evolution. Or, that's not the way it is, Mr. Darwin. A Farewell to Selfish Gene. Charles University of Prague, Faculty of Science Press, Prague 2008. Pozor Toxo (Watch out for Toxo! The Secret Guide to Practical Science) Academia, Praha 2011. About 100 papers in peer reviewed journals.
Teaching praxis: From 1991 teach eight university lectures, including basic and advanced lectures of Evolutionary biology, Practical methodology of sciences and Molecular taxonomy.
Between 1991-2007 - tutor or adviser of 30 diploma thesis and 20 dissertation thesis.
Other activities: 1992-1993 - Member of scientific board of Laboratory of evolutionary biology Czechoslovak Academy of Science, member of Czech Parasitological Society, member of editorial board of journal Vesmir a member of redaction board of Neuroendocrinology Letters. Chairman of Ethical Committee for Human Research of the Faculty of Science Charles University (IRB).
Awards: Frozen evolution was awarded with Magnesia litera 2007.